In order to offer more background information on our products and IP, a number of articles, reports and white papers can be downloaded here. For downloads related to our Bedrock Audio products, please refer to the support section of the Bedrock website.
Papers related to the STI
- A novel procedure for direct-method measurement of the fullmatrix Speech Transmission Index (AES Convention NYC), 2017
- Measuring the Speech Transmission Index of systems featuring digital voice coding (Reproduced Sound Birmingham), 2016
- Designing an acoustic source of the STIPA signal: how to build a good talkbox (Reproduced Sound Birmingham), 2016
- Self-optimizing PA systems(Reproduced Sound Manchester), 2013
- Evolution of the STI (AES convention), 2011
- Four decades of STI development (Reproduced Sound Brighton), 2011
- Development of a binaural STI model (J. Acoust. Soc. Am.), 2008
- Recent advances in STI measuring techniques, Institute of Acoustics workshop, 2006
- Speech based STI measurements, 2005
- Using the STI for predicting non-native speech intelligibility (J. Acoust. Soc. Am.), 2004
- Effect of talker and speaking style on the STI (J. Acoust. Soc. Am.),2004
- Intelligibility in traffic tunnels (Internoise), 2001
- STI at high ambient sound levels (Eurospeech, Budapest), 1999
Ambient noise surveys
Papers related to (non-native) speech intelligibility
- Prediction of speech intelligibility of PA systems in tunnels (Appl. Ac.), 2006
- Quantifying intelligibility to non-native listeners (J. Acoust. Soc. Am.), 2002
- Quantifying intelligibility to non-native talkers (J. Acoust. Soc. Am.), 2002
- Phoneme and sentence intelligibility of non-native Dutch speech (Speech Comm.), 2001
- Non-native speech intelligibility (MIST workshop), 1999
Development of test methods
- Language dependency testing of vocoders (IEEE speech comm. workshop), 2002
- A newly developed communicability test (IEEE speech comm. workshop), 2002
- Methodology for cross-language speech communication (MSLP workshop Aalborg), 2001
- Methodology for language dependency testing (Eurospeech Aalborg), 2001
- Methods for testing communicability (Eurospeech Aalborg), 2001
Papers related to noise exposure and hearing protection
Papers related to warning signals and sound beacons
Other papers on acoustics
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